Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tip of the Week

Dealing with Mr. Shaky

I play in two different pool leagues-Tuesday night APA and Wednesday night BCA.I also play in some of the local tournaments in my town. One problem I am sure EVERYONE has come across is Mr. Shaky(NERVES). Well, don’t beat yourself up over it. EVERYONE suffers from that pesky rascal. Even the pros. I heard that Philippine's great Francisco Bustamante once broke and ran 14 racks of 9 ball in a row during practice. Now how is it that he can do that during practice but never in a match? NERVES. Everyone has them-especially when you’re playing for fifty grand! It doesn’t matter if you’re playing for fifty grand or fifty bucks or for your league team. It’s natural to experience a little shakiness during competition. Tony Robles once said about playing with Mr. Shaky, "Make sure that you know that your true opponent is the table, not the person you’re playing against."

What I do when Mr. Shaky infiltrates my body during a shot is stop dead in my tracks. I stand up from my stance, take a deep breath, shake my arms and get back down on my shot. I then execute it with a renewed confidence. If you’re really beside yourself and the nerves get too bad, try pinching yourself between your thumb and forefinger as hard as you can stand it. Its sought of like when you’re driving half asleep and you suddenly smack yourself in the face to wake up. It works along the same principle. If you’re in a tavern, where most league play is held, have a glass of wine or a beer to help settle your nerves. If you don’t drink…go to the restroom and wash your face with cold water.

If all fails…smack yourself in the face and snap out of it!

That is my tip of the week!

Bob (The Shark)

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